Hi there :-)
After some long consideration, I have decided to create a website where I can log all my tried recipes and post my practice photography shots. At a later stage, I may add some travel reviews and photos to this blog but for now it will just be recipes and below average food photos
I started cooking out of interest at a young age, probably around 9 or 10 years old, being taught traditional Punjabi cooking, mainly learning everyday mains, sides and beverages without any written recipes. I learnt to cook from scratch and by taste, smell and estimation. Not long after, I started cooking various vegetarian dishes from other countries (even if they weren't completely vegetarian, I'd omit the meats/poultry). I started baking around the same age using recipes out of magazines and from Food Tech classes at school.
Around 2006 I stopped baking and cooking as I moved to a house that had an electric oven and stove top. Everything I was baking in an electric oven just didn't turn out perfect so I stopped altogether as it frustrated me so much. Did I mention I'm a perfectionist?! Well I am! Everything tasted fine, it just didn't look perfect. I learned to cook and bake with gas not electric. Did I mention I'm also stubborn?!
In the last few years I have begun cooking and baking at home again. I still have an electric stove and oven even though I've moved house again.
I use to be the type of cook that had to follow the recipes exactly when baking cakes and desserts and now I'm starting to alter, combine and add my own thing to the recipes which is one of the main deciding factors in starting this blog.
I've cooked so much in the past so I will only add what I cook from now on and I will always try and credit other blog sites and books where I can. (If you happen to pick up a recipe on my blog that is not credited and know who owns the original, please let me know so I can credit them). All Punjabi dishes are recipes that have been passed down by generation through my family and either my mum or myself have tweaked them so they will not be credited to anyone else.
I am self taught in both cooking and photography, albeit a beginner in the latter! I hope to one day undertake a photography course but until then you will need to put up with my poor dslr skills
Please seek permission before using any of my content for your own website/blog or any other publishing and always link back.
Commercial use and distribution of the contents of the website is not allowed without express and prior written consent of the author
I can be contacted via the contact page or email: vegetabledelicious@gmail.com
Thank you